Laura Carew,
Joshua Y'Barbo


Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Dec 3rd Details

Please, note that the event begins at 5pm. 

                                           Adrian Scicluna MA Fine Art at Wimbledon College

Hello All,

Please, bring your A4s either tomorrow, Thurs Dec 2nd or Friday 3rd. A small amount of cheap drinks will be provided but plz feel free to BYOB. There is a PV on that night and refreshments will be available for that. Any other questions about Friday, please don't hesitate to ask.



The following is a msg from Holly Stevenson:

Dear All
Please come and play Pass the Parcel at theParallax Private View

Pass the Parcel at the Parallax Private View by Dirty Square Gallery - A salon proposal presented by Holly Stevenson, MA Fine Art graduate from Chelsea College of Art including artists Jenny Pickett, Charlotte Patton, Leo Koivistoinen, Eilidh Short, Joe Stevens, Nicko Straniero, Trevor Kiernander, Charlotte Warne Thomas, Holly Stevenson, and Sunshine Frere

The Woodmill this Friday at 18:15 

With love,

Holly and Sunshine

Check it out under the CCW Salon & Social Mixer - 03.12.2010 on The Woodmill site 

or on Face Book