Urszula Dajerling - Chelsea College of Art & Design
Hello Everyone,
I've met with Chisenhale Gallery and we've set the terms and conditions for everyone to be able to participate. The confirmed list of artists whose proposals i received on time have been listed below.
Due to the numbers involved we are going to focus on casual conversations with invited guests instead of a formal group critique. I would, however, be happy to organise smaller groups of artists who would like to discuss their work. If anyone has any questions or concerns, please let me know.
Please see the terms and conditions below:
1. collection and transport: i will need 2 volunteers from each college to arrange for works to be delivered and assist in installation at Chisenhale Gallery. It would be ideal for as much work to be collected and delivered at once. There will be exceptions so please email me to discuss. Transport will need to be arranged by each college or individual and all works must be delivered by but not before 2pm. I will be at the gallery to collect.
2. installation: All works are to be ready to hang and installation instructions given. I'll be at Chisenhale Gallery to help install starting at 2pm. A small group of people is needed to help with installation and ONLY the installation crew will be installing work.
To maintain low maintenance and stress on staff and the gallery, we ask that only the installation crew arrive at 2pm (unless other arrangements are confirmed via myself). All other students are asked to arrive at 17:00.
Due to the nature of a salon, all works are to be installed provisionally. I ask that everyone understand the limitations of space as well as the intentions of the salon series in regards to how work is displayed and presented. Please provide Installation notes and be as detailed as necessary. anyone with questions or concerns about installation, please contact me.
3. video work: due to space, equipment, and request by the gallery, all video works that are not specifically part of an installation will be shown on a showreel. Alternatives are negotiable. The gallery has a fixed projector and laptop that will be made available. Again, there are exceptions and limitations so please contact me with specific concerns.
Thursday, Aug 18th
14:00 - Delivery and Installation
18:00 - brief introduction followed by casual conversation*
19:00 - performances begin
20:00 - conclusion & collection of work**
* no formal critique will be arranged but artists, tutors, and alumni will be in attendance and open to discussions
** arrangements can be made for anyone who can not collect their work that evening and over night storage can be arranged
Anyone wishing to speak to me further, please contact me via joshuaybarbo@gmail.com.
confirmed participating artists list:
Chelsea College
Katharine Tolladay - performance / video
Pedro Leão: performance
Isabel Pina Ferreira: 3-D / Sculpture / Installation
Nataliia Taranukha: 2-D / 3-D
Jeeti Singh: 2-D / installation
Louise Ward: video / performance
Fanny Aboulker performance
Rasmus Nilausen: something wall-based
Jacopo Natoli: video
Tobias Buckel: 2-D
Fiona Chambers: video
Jeamin Cha: video
Anita Delaney - video
Mei Homma: video
Gloria Zein: 3-D
Jung Yun Roh: 3-d
Martin Abrams:2-D / installation
Pathompon Tesprateep (Mont): video
Peter Cabocky- 2-D
Tom Griffiths - 2-D
Marcus - 2-D
sonke faltien: 2D work
Urszula Dajerling: D3-D installation
Jaimes Wang: 2-D
Tomoko Seko: 2-D
Hana Janeckova small drawing ... sound installation
Camberwell College
anna baker: 3-D / Installation
Lois Farningham: 3-D
jen ball: 2-D
Nicola Plant: 3-D
Jenny Dawes: 3-D
Kiera James: 2-D
Wimbledon College
flora robertson: 3-D / Installation
Nicki Rolls - Video
Scott Mason: Video
Cristina Garrido: 2-D / Video
luisa sanchez perez: 3-D
Katie Goodwin -installation / video
Patrick Mifsud: ceiling hanging work / 2-D
Abigail Duffty: 3-D / installation
Giorgio Garippa: video
RAF: 2-D
Sueyoung Lee: 2-D
Anne-Marie: 3-D
Adrian Scicluna: video
James Petrucci: 2-D
Jean Wong: video
Joss Cole:performance
Brigitte Parusel: 2-D
Stella Ouzounidis: 2-D
Stella Ouzounidis: 2-D