Laura Carew,
Joshua Y'Barbo


Friday, 26 November 2010

CCW Salon / Social Mixer Invitation

03.12.10/ 5 – 7pm/ The Woodmill 
                                                                                         Chelsea Salon at Auto Italia November 2009
You are invited to a CCW Salon/Social Mixer held at the Woodmill on the 3rd December from 5 – 7pm. This event is the first of a series of Salons that will take place at the Woodmill throughout the academic year and builds upon last year’s events that took place at the South London Gallery, Auto Italia, Flat Time House and The Woodmill. 
The Salon is an opportunity to present any artistic output, be it finished pieces or early experiments, to a peer group of fellow MA students and invited artists, curators and arts professionals. It is a forum for these groups to meet, share ideas, critique work and initiate discussion in a relaxed atmosphere outside of the academic institution.

To submit work and/or participate: email Josh at
Deadline for submissions: Nov 29th

Event Schedule: 

5pm             Introduction to the Woodmill by Naomi Pearce and Alastair Frazer
5:15 – 6:15 pm   Discussion and Show Reel exploring last year’s Salon series followed by Q&A and student feedback regarding structure of future events. 
6:15 – 6:45 pm   Past the Parcel at the Parallax Private View by Dirty Square Gallery - A salon proposal presented by Holly Stevenson, MA Fine Art from Chelsea College of Art & Design including artists Jenny Pickett, Charlotte Patton, Leo Koivistoinen, Eilidh Short, Joe Stevens, Nicko Straniero, Trevor Kiernander, Charlotte Warne Thomas, Holly Stevenson, and Sunshine Frere
7:00 – 9:00 pm   Woodmill private view: Mark Fell (solo exhibition) Coherence and Proximity  in the Hangar and Pale Blue Dot (group exhibition) in the gallery including artists David Beattie, Anne Eastman, Jack Lavender, Damien Roach, Tim Steer and Angharad Williams

Where:              The Woodmill -Project Space
Neckinger Depot
SE16 3QN
All MA Camberwell, Chelsea and Wimbledon Fine Art students are welcome.

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